Project type: Marketing campaign, digital design, app design, print design. Typesetting, editorial design, print.
Role: Designer.
Collaboration: marketing team.
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign.
Project background:
Stella Artois attempted to reverse a negative reputation with a high class Mediterranean lifestyle advertising campaign. However, this failed to resonate with the general public
Project aims:
Design a campaign to change Stella Artois’ negative reputation and create a positive vibe.
Create a multi-channel campaign that focuses on the beauty and simplicity of Stella’s ingredients.
Highlight the idea that something exquisite can be made from just four ingredients.
Design an iPad app allows customers to create their own design from only four colours. They are then rewarded with their own personalised bottles along with an invite to a summer exhibition.

The 4 advertising posters which were also made into a gif.