Project type: UI / UX
Role: Researcher, Designer, Dev lead, Project manager.
Collaboration: SEO team, Front-end developers.
Tools: Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop, Zeplin, InVision, Jira, Hotjar, Google analytics.
Project aims:
Create a new clean booking flow.
Creation of a static search box through to results page.
Key SEO wording moved above the fold.
Clear illustrative benefits of using the service.
Simplified address search to show regularly booked airports and stations.
Key features of the service highlighted with imagery to draw attention.
Visual indicator for day/night to avoid booking time errors.
New colour scheme and hero image.
Post Project:
A/B test to record number of searches v previous design.
Record number of page visits - Google Analytics.
View heat map to record interactions with icons - Hotjar.
Desktop responsive designs

Expanded landing page for desktop

Search box activated for a return journey

Search box activated to include a via stop

Address search expanded for postcode results

A dynamic list of the most commonly searched stations in the last week

A dynamic list of the most commonly searched airports in the last week

Date and time selector display daytime hours

Date and time selector display nighttime hours
Mobile responsive designs

Expanded landing page for mobile devices

Search box activated for a return journey

Search box activated to include a via stop

A dynamic list of the most commonly searched airports in the last week

A dynamic list of the most commonly searched stations in the last week

Address search expanded for postcode results

Date and time selector display day time hours